The Al Capone of politics, President Donald Trump

The day the American public has been waiting for has finally arrived and it comes with the release of President Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Well, to begin with, there’s not much to look at either way.

According to The New York Times, Trump has not paid a single penny of federal income taxes for 10 of the last 15 years. In addition to that, Trump has only paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and his first year in the White House.

Trump’s predecessors, Barack Obama and George W. Bush, each paid more than $100,000 a year in income taxes.

It was found that Trump, in 2017, paid $145,400 in taxes in India and $156,824 in the Philippines, way more than in the country in which he is president of.

According to a new Joe Biden campaign ad, teachers pay $7,239 in income taxes, firefighters pay $5,283 in income taxes, and nurses pay $10,216 in income taxes. 

How is it that these people that risk their lives fighting wildfires or a raging pandemic pay more in income taxes than the president of the United States?

That is an utter disappointment from the president and an embarrassment to the American public that we have this sort of president in the White House. 

One of the ways that Trump has been able to reduce his federal income taxes is through the help of his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump. It appears that she has received consulting fees that helped reduce the tax bill of the Trump family. 

Although the consultant is unnamed, Trump’s tax records show around $750,000 in fees to the consultant. Ivanka Trump’s public disclosures show an identical amount of money through her own consulting company.

If Ivanka Trump had any aspirations to be in politics after her father’s exit from the White House, she would not stand a chance in a political debate with that kind of history.

The claim that Trump is a billionaire may be false too.

It was reported that Trump has lost tens of millions of dollars year after year through his golf courses and hotels. On top of that, Trump has more than $300 million in loans that are due in the next four years.

With the presidential debate coming up Tuesday, Trump’s tax records will most definitely be a major topic to discuss much like it was four years ago. 

The then-Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, had correctly answered as to why Trump hasn’t released his tax returns – he’s not paying any.

His only response to Clinton was, “That makes me smart.”

It’s time that this fake billionaire is voted out of office and if he wants to continue evading his taxes then he’ll be treated as a criminal like Al Capone.