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The student news site of West Chicago Community High School

Wildcat Chronicle

The student news site of West Chicago Community High School

Wildcat Chronicle

The student news site of West Chicago Community High School

Wildcat Chronicle

Letter to the Editor

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The Wildcat Chronicle will consider publication of letters to the editor. Authors’ names must be included in letters to the editor, and the authenticity of submissions will be verified. Once submitted, a letter to the editor becomes the property of the Wildcat Chronicle and will be treated as such.

Please write the text of your letter in the space provided. Letters should not exceed 250 words or 1200 characters. The Wildcat Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters to grammar and spelling, and to verify all information contained in letters. Letters that prove to be erroneous, or containing libelous information, or letters that include profanity, excessive length or excessive grammatical/spelling errors, will be returned to the author and may be resubmitted once issues have been addressed. *
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The student news site of West Chicago Community High School
Letter to the Editor