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Mr. Aiello • Apr 30, 2024 at 10:53 am
Once AI renders all the STEM Majors useless, people will really wish they got teaching degrees. Just saying. Teachers are irreplaceable–Down A.I.
Mrs. G, sub • Apr 26, 2024 at 10:15 am
I changed my major many times in college. In my junior year, I asked myself, “Which homework do I enjoy doing, and look forward to?” For me, that was reading and discussing books and ideas. So I got an English degree and became a high school teacher. Not the most financially remunerative occupation, but satisfying to me. You get to decide the direction of your life. Don’t feel trapped into doing something you don’t enjoy, because 8 hours a day is too long to be miserable. And the trades are a good choice for those who dislike school. COD is a good choice for those unsure of what, or even if, they want to pursue a college degree.