West Chicago Community High School has lots of different clubs after school, from sports to music, for groups with shared interests. Despite the vast amount of activities for students to partake in, there are no guitar classes to be found after school hours.
The guitar is one of the most played instruments in the world, and there are many talented musicians are attending WEGO. So why does the school lack guitar as an extracurricular, even though many students would possibly be interested in it?
Some students who love the musical arts and have too much time on their hands would benefit from a hobby to participate in. A guitar club could offer a space for music lovers to share passions, make friends, and learn more about the instrument. In addition, instruments are commonly known to reduce any stress or distract students from issues going on in their everyday lives, and music is extremely therapeutic.
While there is a guitar class offered once per day at WCCHS, students’ schedules are an issue. If students already have an elective, language, or any extra classes, then it is difficult for them to find a period in which they could have guitar lessons.

“Guitar classes after school are a great option for students who have already filled their elective spaces,” sophomore Jessie Myers said.
Some students also do not want the pressure of a grade as they attempt to learn an instrument. A guitar club would allow these students to take all their needed classes, and participate in a hobby that they enjoy, without any impact to their GPA.
Learning guitar independently poses a problem as well: School of Rock in Geneva offers guitar lessons for approximately $275-450 per month, while West Chicago’s Guitar Lessons and More provides five hour-hour lessons for $340. These are costs not every high school student can take on. Money is a common issue for students, but the price for an after-school guitar club would be free, so it would not be a problem for anyone interested in guitar, but limited on budget.
“I think [a club] would be beneficial to people who don’t have the money for good guitar lessons outside of school and it’s challenging for students to fit the guitar into their schedule,” sophomore Jayna Vock said.
More importantly, there is no music club at WCCHS. While there are a number of music classes, there is no way for casual musicians, or even just people who are interested in listening to music, to come together.
“It would be a way to have a hobby that is creative and fun that would be cheaper and easier for students,” Vock said.