The superintendent search has made progress recently as surveys have been conducted and interviews have been completed.
After the departure of Dr. Moses Cheng, the district has been hard at work looking for new hires to occupy the vacant position. Interim superintendents John Langton and Dr. Attila Weninger stepped in to fill the gap, but are both expected to remain in the position for just the 2023-24 school year.
Weninger is a retired school administrator himself and has spent countless years in different schools. He currently resides in West Chicago.
Langton remained in the Addison school district for 26 years, many of which were spent as principal.
The district conducted search surveys throughout the month of October and will post the survey results this Friday, Nov. 3, on the district website. The search firm will then develop a “leadership profile” for each prosperous candidate which is a summary of qualifications. The precis will then be reviewed and discussed by the Board of Education, and the department of Human Resources, at a future meeting.
“The Board [of Education] hopes to have a candidate before Christmas,” Weninger said.