The excitement of trick-or-treating is overwhelming: children (or teens…or heck, even adults) are eager to get as much candy as they can hold while wearing the costume their parents bought from the Halloween store. The breeze in the air gives trick-or-treaters goosebumps, but they do not care: they are about to get so much amazing candy.

Halloween is a special day for many, allowing them to express their mischievous side, and get as much candy as possible. This is a spooky day filled with even spookier candy choices. Here are some terrifying confections that trick-or-treaters might cross paths with:
#5 Haribo Goldbears
Haribo gummy bears, or Goldbears, as they are officially called, are the hardest gummy candy known to man. Their toughness is a detriment to the consumer’s jaw, making it hurt after only a few gummy bears. Their only redeeming quality is their taste, which puts the candy at number five. However, there are better gummy candies that have a good taste without the considerable effort to eat
#4 Twizzlers
The bland taste make this candy a serious disappointment when one receive a packet while trick-or-treating. Twizzlers have a very limited selection of flavors – only cherry and strawberry – when it comes to the small, individually packaged, variant of the candy. Additionally, the candy takes a considerable amount of effort to bite into. The toughness and lack of taste make the candy an anticlimactic choice this Halloween. The only use the confection has is its ability to act as a straw.
#3 Butterfingers
A mix of Reese’s peanut butter cups and KitKat bars, Butterfingers do not share any of the good qualities of either. They have an overwhelming salty taste that overpowers any of the other flavors, which is mainly due to the disturbing 160 grams of sodium per 1.9 ounce bar. Further, the candy is mostly wafer, which crumbles at the first bite. The mess and the dehydrated mouth Butterfingers cause is not worth the hassle: they deserve to go straight to the garbage.
#2 York Peppermint Patties
Peppermint Patties are the perfect candy for people who want to eat toothpaste: a truly abhorrent candy. The chocolate is unnoticeable, and the overwhelming taste of peppermint destroys any chance for this candy to at least taste decent. The candy has a massive amount of peppermint cream filling compared to the small layer of chocolate, which makes it a terrible Halloween candy. For a mint and chocolate candy stick, with Andes mints which have a perfect chocolate-to-mint ratio.
#1 Candy corn

This final entry on the list might come as no surprise: candy corn is infamous as one of the worst Halloween candies, and for good reason. Their starchy taste and lack of flavor make this one awful candy. The only “flavor” it does have is the massive amount of sugar in each piece. One of the leading brands, Brach’s Candy, has an astounding 23 grams of sugar per serving size (15 pieces), which is considerably more than many other popular Halloween candies. Furthermore, their repulsive, waxy texture make this Halloween staple an absolutely disgusting candy pick this fall.
Diana Mackintos • Nov 1, 2024 at 8:44 am
although on a more serious note…
Twizzlers are the best candy ever ya can’t change my mind there
Diana Mackintos • Nov 1, 2024 at 8:42 am
college is boring but at least I can read this HIII
Dawn • Oct 28, 2024 at 11:17 am
I can understand being hung up on gummy candy and mint. But with all due respect the author has no taste. Candy corn, butterfingers, and York mints are the best candy.
Robin R. • Oct 25, 2024 at 10:18 am
Love those “Buttahfingahs” (as they’re called here in MA. 🙂 Sure, you’ve got to scrape them off your molars after they get impact from chewing, but hey — the work is worth that wicked awesome buttery chocolate taste!
Mrs. Stewart • Oct 31, 2023 at 12:21 pm
I do not often find myself in this position, Chronicle, but I have to agree with Mr. Aiello’s revision.
Team Candy Corn.
Mr. Aiello • Oct 31, 2023 at 10:55 am
In all my years reading the chronicle, I’ve never come across a list so ridiculous. This is so bad, I feel inclined to help the author with an edit:
*Their starchy taste and *timeless* flavor make this one **AWESOME** candy*
You’re welcome. Candy corn till I die.