Walking into the first date: are those butterflies of excitement, or are they telling you to run? Here are some signs your man is not a romantic and just a red flag.
#5 Out and About
It is definitely a red flag when a potential boyfriend finds it more exciting to go out with their friends rather than on a date. If he is always going out and prioritizing himself and what he wants instead of being with his girlfriend. If he cannot even put 50% into the relationship and have quality time then they are not the one. Some girls may think his distance is fine just because they genuinely care about him being happy and smiling, but why not also prioritize the relationship? If he is not worried about his girlfriend’s happiness and spending time together, who else will be?

#4 Controlling Behavior
Growing up, the most annoying thing is when parents want to control their teenager’s life decisions or the things they do. So what makes a man or your partner think he has the right to control where his girlfriend goes, how she dresses. or who she hangs out with. Some girls believe his controlling nature is just the way he shows he loves them, but is it really?
#3 Having a Girl Best Friend
Before getting into a relationship with a man, check out his friendships with other girls. Time and time again, that close friendship with another girl turns romantic. In fact, this situation can happen with any other girl if there is a really close friendship. Being in a friendship that close only means two things: they are secretly in love with their girl best friend, or they know who they will go to when things go wrong in their existing relationship.
#2 Disrespect for Mom
The way a guy treats their mom says a lot about who they are. If he does not even have the ability to treat the woman who created him with respect, what hope does it give a girlfriend that he will treat her right? If the man received love and affection from his mother, it gave him the early experience of understanding female love and affection and giving it back. But if not – run.
#1 No Goals
Why do some girls think a man can prioritize them when he cannot even prioritize himself and his goals? Caring about his future life and what he can do to maintain himself and a partner as well is essential. If he is unsure of what he will do in life, then he is most likely to also be unsure about a girlfriend, and unsure about committing to the relationship.
debra • Sep 6, 2023 at 10:45 am
I personally think that this article was over-hyped and stated the obvious. It should have listed worse red flags and less obvious ones such as controlling behavior because anyone can be controlling and everyone knows that being over controlling is a red flag so no shocker here. But the writing style is so casual that it sounded like they were talking right in front of me so i liked that, even tho it was a easy read and didn’t really tackle harder topics i think it was okay but i’m not saying its bad it was pretty good.