French exchange students continue to enjoy their time in the States

Host students, French students, and French teacher Kathryn Schoen-Stevens visited Chicago for a scavenger hunt around the Loop Friday.
April 11, 2019
From eating Chicago-style hotdogs to seeing a Chicago Bulls game, it’s been a busy week since the French exchange students arrived in the United States.
Their experience started April 3 when host students and French teacher welcomed the 22 students from Grenoble, in southeastern France.
The students have already visited Chicago for a scavenger hunt with their host student on Friday and went to a Chicago Bulls game on Saturday.
Each day they will be visiting places such as the Shedd Aquarium, the Art Institute, Chinatown, Millenium Park, and the West Chicago Police Station.
“Most days during the school day, they go into Chicago to the big tourist sites,” French teacher Kathryn Schoen-Stevens said.
The French students will be roaming the school’s halls and attend their host’s classes on Thursday.
During their stay, students will get a chance to practice their speaking skills, work on managing their time to plan out activities, and learn about different cultures.
“I hope the students get to practice their French and the French students will practice their English. It’s also a big step towards their independence and learning how to work with the group on planning activities and managing time,” Schoen-Stevens said. “It’s also learning about different cultures. The French students will learn about American culture and our students will be able to get an insight into the French way of life as well.”
Some favorite moments about the exchange program are in the beginning and in the end.
“When we are at the airport and everybody makes signs and when you see the faces when the French group arrives and has to go find their names, it’s all exciting for them,” Schoen-Stevens said. “I also love the end, when we say goodbye to them everybody is crying and it’s sad but then the French group hangs out the windows of the bus, it’s super cute.”
The French students will head back to France on Tuesday.