Senior Reporter Mariah Varnado is a two-year member of the Wildcat Chronicle who frequently writes opinion pieces. The views expressed in this piece are her own.
Neon. Beach Day. White Lies.
These themes for football games are great ideas, but arguably tired ones that keep resurfacing from year-to-year.
We all know that the seniors in Pep Club picks ideas for themed sporting events and assemblies, and this article is by no means criticizing the organization’s efforts. Over the last several years, the club has had a significant impact on school spirit, and has grown considerably. However, the most exciting part of being in high school pep clubs is picking football game themes. As years go on, there seems to be a slight repetitiveness in the themes.
At the first Pep Club meeting of the year, numerous good ideas were thrown out for upcoming athletic events. Choosing a theme can be difficult, but Pep Club adviser Elizabeth Mastroianni makes sure that the themes are durable and appropriate. The themes must be approved by West Chicago Community High School’s administration, and so not every idea is a viable one.
“We just started throwing out ideas, like, what are squad themes people have heard of? What are we interested in? And then we went from there with it,” Mastroianni said.

Although seniors provide input into the themes, it seems like several of the same ideas are recycled each year. Now some of this might be tradition – and Mastroianni was quick to say that she does appreciate a neon theme for Homecoming – but some of it, too, might be that new ideas are just not coming through.
A look at the most popular themes across the state – and even the country – indicate that beach day, white-out and neon seem to be annual favorites.
Is the desire to keep returning to particular themes tied to seniors’ nostalgia for high school? Perhaps. And recent research studies suggest that annual traditions positively impact mental health.
But there is something to be said for inspiring creativity, and allowing each graduating class to create its own memories and traditions. It is not necessary to do what “last year’s” seniors did.
Other schools, like Hanover High School have done “rodeo” and “construction zone” themes, which are fun and different. And Kaneland High School recently received accolades for its “Support the Troops” football game theme, which featured local veterans of the military and lots of camoflague. Kaneland, in particular, seems to choose important causes to support at their home games, as an August “game featured a gold theme in support of Cal’s Angels, a pediatric cancer non-profit organization.”
A look at the article “51 themes for football games” makes it clear that there are numerous themes West Chicago Community High School could consider that would be different and maybe even inspire more school spirit.
In fairness, this year’s Pep Club seniors have selected some unique themes, though they have also kept to the tried-and-true ones as well.
“I’m not a big fan of the [themes this year]. Neon’s cool; it goes well with Homecoming. Minions? What are we, five years old?” senior Louis Zeitler said.
However, many seniors have expressed support for the Minions theme, and are even in the process of assigning people in their friend group to “play” a character. The question this reporter is asking, then, is whether people go to the games to show school spirit and cheer on the Wildcat football team, or whether they are there to get photos for their Instagram?
“I have to be there regardless, but if I wasn’t, I would go for the game,” freshman Dary Skinner said.
As a new student at WEGO, Skinner believes it is exciting to go to home games and participate in the themes; she describes them as something to look forward to.

So while many love the themes West Chicago’s Pep Club has decided upon, it still seems fair to say that after doing the same themes over and over again, they do get boring and predictable. Themes like Neon, and Blue and White Night are certainly traditions that should be continued. “Dress to impress” is a great idea, as is seen at South Elgin this fall. A “dynamic duos” theme would be great to do, too.
“It is important to have a theme that everyone can participate in,” Mastroianni said.
Agreed. But people have so many great ideas, that it seems a shame not to use them. Let’s increase school spirit even more by incorporating new ideas, and encouraging everyone to get involved. Invest in different themes in the future. Next year, juniors, think outside of the box and take school spirit to the next level.