Glittery boots and hats scattered across the room. Colorful suits, ties, and dresses decorated the halls. People with cheese for hats and friendship bracelets. Every person, despite their unique fashion choices, gathered together at the Democratic National Convention, held in Chicago Aug. 19-22, for the same purpose: to spark change.
From head-to-toe: hats at the convention

When it came to hats, the Democrats’ motto seemed to be the bigger the better. There were many layers to Mississippi delegate Kelly Jacobs’ outfit, including the Democrats’ choice for Presidential nominee, Kamala Harris’ name spelled out with pearls on a wide-brimmed hat that also matched her Harris-themed mask and shirt.

A number of people used their hats to display a button collection. One button on this attendee’s hat read “spy,” while another promoted “Women for Peace”. The buttons were a way for people to put themselves “out there” without saying a word.

There was no doubt about where this individual, was from: Wisconsin delegate Landiran Kern, Jr. was accompanied by fellow cheesehead and delegate Ana Wilson as he spoke to the media about his support for Harris. The cheese contrasted his burgundy and black suit. Kern was a popular source with the media.

Another individual, spotted in one of the restaurants in the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, just did not know how to put down the buttons: they displayed lots of passion for the issues they supported.
The outfits themselves
While most attendees wore business-like attire, including formal suits, there were several outfits that stood out, though none so much as this one, spotted on day one of the DNC.

The long blue cape Jacobs donned featured popular pop star Taylor Swift’s face on it – as well as Harris’ face on the front. The combination was random (perhaps a nod to many attendees’ hope that Swift would give a performance during the convention), yet eye-catching.

This mother’daughter duo wanted to use their “creativity” to spread awareness, not only to other voters in their homeland (Florida), but also people around the country. They added pearls, a nod to Harris’ widely-recognized and often visible pearl necklace, on their bright pink jackets. The jackets, however, also encourage voters to select “yes” when considering Florida Amendment 4 on the ballot this November.

This delegate wore a very patriotic hat, and an assortment of colors. Her accesories included buttons, numerous bulky pearl neclaces, and earrings. She said she had been photographed by the media so many times that she started to pose whenever she saw a camera emerge.

This individual, representing the “Be Love” organization, definintely understood the assignment of being formal for this exclusive event. Speaking to Spectrum News, the attendee sported a simple light blue suit: classy and sleek.

Another delegate’s outfit featured a bright color scheme, and very noticeable boots, a dramatic combination.

Attire that spoke to the Israeli/Palestinian crisis, as well as religious freedoms and causes, could be found across the convention. One woman snapped at this reporter for not knowing the man featured on the back of her shirt was Malcolm X shirt, whicSet featured imageh may be ironic considering his influence during the civil rights movement.

Although it was hard to capture on camera as the delegate walked past, this person’s outfit was artistic and stuck out from the rest due, again, to the bright colors and Harris’ face, which was positioned on the back center of the t-shirt dress. “I’m speaking” is a reference to the 2020 al debate in which then-Vice President Mike Pence interrupted Harris, causing her to respond, “I’m speaking.”

The spikes on Texan delegate Cam Ray’s shoes were a little nerve-wracking for those in line to board a shuttle to the conference hotels from McCormick Place. Nonetheless, her choice in footwear stood out, as the shiny grey color was unique. Ray indicated to those in line that she would be changing her clothes before attending an after-party and John Legend performance later in the evening.
All-in-all, the Democratic National Convention saw a noteable array of fashion choices; while clothing was not on center stage at the event, it certainly made an impact.