Photo Essay: Parade of Champions interrupted by alarm
March 9, 2023
On March 9, West Chicago Community High School recognized its two IHSA State Champions, senior Nolan Allen and junior Brady Johnson, and 2023 state runner-up, Jayden Huesca Rodriguez, with a Parade of Champions during den time.
Allen placed first in the 3A, 152-lb. wrestling tournament on February 18 after defeating Edward Enright of Mt. Carmel. After a 30-year dry spell, Allen’s achievement – and his undefeated season – was a major triumph.
Shortly thereafter, Johnson competed in the state swimming series, taking first in the 100m backstroke. Johnson’s victory came a full 14 seconds ahead of the competition. He also placed second in the state in the men’s 50m freestyle competition.
And Huesca-Rodriguez, already a state champion in girls’ wrestling, was this year’s runner-up in her weight class.
Prior to the parade, the marching band lined up just inside of Entrance B, led by seniors Jack Riconosciuto, Ali Manspeaker and Kevin Dorl. Holding staffs, they awaited the start of the parade, which kicked off just after a “hype” video created by English teacher Dave Jennings was played in all dens.
Seniors Jack Schultz, Chad Mayuga, Jaden Bates, Micah McLean, Daivik Singh and Soham Shah, along with hundreds of other students, awaited the parade’s arrival.
The drumline walked through a line of streamers held up in celebration of the champions.
The cheerleaders followed the band past Bishop Gym, paving the way for the state champions. The parade route covered a majority of the school hallways so that all students and staff could cheer on the victors.
WEGO’s dance team held up their poms and rallied the crowd as they passed the ramp to the math department.
Choruses of groans could be heard when the fire alarm suddenly went off at 10:45 a.m., right in the middle of the Parade of Champions. Students and staff began evacuating immediately.
The cheer team hustled across the lawn at the back of the building, keeping a smile on their faces despite the unexpected trip outside in 30-degree weather.
Students exited the building quickly and waited with their den classes for more information. Although a winter storm was predicted for March 9, the snow held off in the morning and early afternoon.
The band regrouped just outside of the pool entrance, placing their instruments on the ground while they waited out the fire alarm.
Students called out to friends as a fire truck approached the school.
Allen (left) and Huesca-Rodriguez (right) remained in good spirits, posing for a photograph with their coach, Jamie Phillips. Both sported hoodies from the IHSA state tournament.
Upon receiving the “all-clear”, students began to make their way back into the building, unsure as to whether the Parade of Champions would continue considering there were just five minutes remaining in the period.
Once all students and staff were safely back in the building, the parade resumed on the second floor. As the bell rang announcing the end of den time, the band marched its way into the LRC.
From left to right, champions Allen, Huesca-Rodriguez and Johnson made their way through the LRC, high-fiving fans as they walked past. The Parade of Champions concluded its march – one for the record books.