Final presidential debate showed people there is still hope

The final presidential debate of 2020 took place on Oct. 22, and in comparison to the last presidential debate, it went much smoother. 

President Donald Trump and the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden took a much clearer stance on the topics discussed. 

On the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump made a lot of misleading claims saying that the mortality rate is down and that COVID-19 will go away with the vaccine.

After making those claims, Trump boasted that he is now “immune” to the virus as he had been recently hospitalized at a top-rated hospital in Washington D.C. 

The fact that the president boasted that he is immune to a virus that has killed over 228,000 Americans dishonors the families that have lost their loved ones to the pandemic.

On top of that, Trump received one of the best treatments for COVID-19 that a majority of patients do not receive because of their lack of or inadequate health insurance. 

Biden emphasized that over 200,000 Americans are dead over an avoidable pandemic and because of that, Trump needs to be removed from office. 

He proposed mandating masks to save more lives and contact tracing to be more implemented in every COVID-19 case. 

Just by those statements alone, it is clear who has a plan and who does not have one. 

National security was one of the major discussions people were looking forward to because it involved the president’s secret Chinese bank account and the legitimacy of the election.

Days before the debate, it was reported that Russia, Iran, and China have been trying to interfere with the election by intimidating Democratic voters.

Biden made a clear message that if any foreign country tried to even meddle with the election, they will face consequences. 

On the other hand, Trump only continued to attack Biden for allegedly receiving $3.5 million from Russia. 

This false statement only continues to show that the president is grasping at every straw to win this election. He even went as far as to claim that Biden had emails with foreign intelligence; making a reference to Hillary Clinton’s emails. 

Biden decided to attack the president about his secret Chinese bank account and urged Trump to explain why he pays more taxes in China than in the United States. He continued to push Trump to release his tax returns.

Trump went on his same defense that his tax returns are on audit and he can’t release them at the moment. 

Another of the thousands of lies that the president has made since he was sworn into office.

On the topic of climate change, Trump claimed that his administration has done an “incredible job” for the environment while maintaining the manufacturing industry. He proceeded to call out U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and said that she does not know what is going on with the environment because her Green New Deal will cost a hundred trillion dollars.

Then Biden made it clear that the Earth is running out of time and that we need to act fast. He also mentioned that the fastest-growing jobs are the windmill and solar panel industries. 

This way not only would we be able to protect the environment, but jobs would increase for these industries.

When talking about the economy, both candidates directed their attention to the cost of healthcare as the conversation starter.

Trump said that his administration removed individual mandates and lowered premiums on healthcare plans. He said that he is planning on removing Obamacare and replace it with a new healthcare act. Trump added that the Democrats are trying to “socialize medicine” but his mic was cut off. 

The option of muting mics was used minimally on both sides and thankfully Trump didn’t interrupt Biden every minute.

Biden went on to distinguish himself from the rest of the Democratic candidates saying that he wants to provide public and private options for healthcare. 

He went on the offense again by reminding people that Trump has said for years now that he has a “healthcare plan” but he has not provided one.

At this point, we are seeing a pattern from the presidential candidates and that is that Trump has no plan and Biden does.

The topic of race was brought up next and Biden began his discussion by stating he has never had to give a talk about race to his children. That, in itself, is sad as it shows the parallels shown between white and Black Americans today.

Trump went on the offensive by attacking Biden’s previous statements on the Black community. He said that Biden called them “super predators” and that Biden voted on reform that put more Blacks into incarceration.

Even if these statements were true, Biden has made efforts to correct his actions and fix the damage he has done to the community in the Obama administration.

Biden pointed out Trump’s attacks on minority groups such as calling Mexicans “rapists” and calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five in 1989. 

The most notable topic of discussion was immigration.

Trump denied that he has failed to reunite children with their parents because they weren’t brought in by their parents but rather by coyotes.

It was clear on national television that Biden was infuriated with Trump because 545 children are without their parents after separation at the border.

It is true when Biden said that the United States became a laughing stock when they failed to reunite children with their parents and we need to make every effort to correct that.

That begins with removing Trump from office because he continues to put the blame on others than himself.

He even went on to put the blame on Biden for “building the cages” used on migrant children. Even if that was the case, it should not matter because, at the end of the day, Trump was the one who used those cages to lock children up.

Overall, the debate was less of a mess than the first debate and definitely ends the presidential debates on a better note.

The last step on the agenda is to vote Trump out of office.