Foreign exchange program brings diverse culture to West Chicago
April 25, 2017
This year, a bigger opportunity was given coincidentally to the German and French students.
The French and the German exchange students picked the same days to visit West Chicago allowing the program to come together.
“It was a coincidence that the French and German groups chose the same dates to visit West Chicago. Frau Wessels and I thought the overlapping dates for our visitors provided a unique opportunity to do some activities together and create a real global and cultural experience for our students,” French teacher Lindsey Evans said.
The exchange program has created an opportunity for students to expand their cultural knowledge of a foreign community for more than 20 years.
“We are one of the only schools that do a true exchange, where we stay with host families and actually go to school with students,” Evans said.
Students have a chance to either travel or host visiting students.
The German exchange students arrived on April 2 from Gunzenhausen, and the French exchange students arrived on April 6 from Grenoble.
They met their hosts and got a tour of the school.
“It’s great, everything is big, without Liz (Valerio) in this school I would feel lost,” German student Verena Hermann said.
The German and French exchange students visited the Shedd Aquarium, the Willis Tower, the Hancock, the Field Museum, Chinatown, the National Museum of Mexican Art, the Loop, and Navy Pier.
“Going to Chicago and seeing the Hancock and Willis Tower were my favorite,” German student Leonie Stafflinger said.
Exchange students had similar attractions.
“My favorite thing about the trip has been the John Hancock building and the Loop because it has everything,” French student Maha Jahid said.
The German exchange students had the opportunity to practice their English through presentations they were required to do.
The program organized activities for the French and the German students including a dodgeball tournament, ice skating, and a Chicago Fire soccer game.
“We wanted the participants to have their own separate experiences, but there were a few things that lent themselves to a big group, like our French vs. German dodgeball tournament,” Evans said.
The dodgeball tournament took place April 17 after school. French won against the German.
The German exchange students left April 19, and the French left April 21.
“I loved having a cultural experience, and it’s been exhausting, but amazing,” student host Jen Orr said.