Almost everybody tries to put in some effort to look presentable at school—taking a shower, putting on a clean outfit, wearing the best perfume, or applying makeup. Considering students spend just seven hours in school, why not try a little? But even after looking presentable, they can experience moments that bring their aura down. It doesn’t matter what someone wears if they commit one of these cardinal sins.
Here is a list of what many believe to be the top five negative aura (embarrassing) moments at school:

#5 Max Volume Sound
On a nice Friday afternoon, a student strolls down the hall, listening to the latest album from Peso Pluma. Next thing they know, other students start giving them strange looks. They look around, confused, when a girl approaches and tells them to turn down the volume on their phone—the music is not connected to their AirPods. Laughter erupts, and classmates start making jokes about it for the rest of the day, even poking fun at their music taste. Later, when phones are not allowed in class, they try to use theirs without anyone noticing, but as soon as it is on, a random sound starts playing loudly. They scramble to put it away, going through the embarrassment of being caught.

#4 Using the PUBLIC bathroom at school
Imagine a student dreading the idea of using the public bathroom at school, trying to hold out until they can get home. But finally, unable to wait any longer, they reluctantly decide to take the risk. As they enter, they’re met with a group of other students lingering and chatting, heightening their anxiety about the whole situation. Nervously, they step into a stall, just wanting to get it over with—but the sounds of their nerves give them away. Laughter echoes as the group bangs on the stall door, amplifying the embarrassment of simply needing to use the public restroom. Rattled and in a rush to escape, they hurry out, completely forgetting to wash their hands, their minds racing with worry about how everyone might talk about the incident.
Using a public bathroom at school can be incredibly embarrassing because it is difficult to feel private in a place that lacks real personal space, especially with the risk of other students lingering around. The fear of being overheard or judged for a basic need makes the experience even more uncomfortable, adding anxiety to what should be a simple act.

When the bell rings to signal the end of the period, students flood the halls, heading to their next class. Wearing the right shoes, like gym shoes or other athletic footwear, can be a big advantage given the number of steps students take throughout the day. While some prefer more casual options like Crocs or UGGs, these choices come with the risk of tripping in the crowded hallways. And why is tripping so embarrassing? Because it just is.
Tripping in the halls can not only cause injury but also risks bumping into someone else, drawing attention from everyone nearby. While people may not outright laugh or point, the person who fell is bound to be stared at and may even be the topic of conversation later on. Either way, the person’s mind will likely replay the moment, beating themselves up over the embarrassment and wondering who witnessed it. As one member of the Chronicle put it, “I laugh at people when they trip.”
(Clearly, not everybody on the Chronicle is a nice person.)

#2 Let it rip
As the student sits in class, an uncomfortable feeling starts to bubble in their stomach—a sure sign that a fart is coming. Desperate not to draw attention, they try to cough at just the right moment, hoping it will cover the noise. Holding their breath and praying it will work, they time the cough as best they can.
But despite their effort, a few classmates turned to look, puzzled by the strange sound. The student’s face turned red as they realized the cough had not fooled anyone. Laughter and teasing erupted around them, making the silence that followed feel even more awkward than the fart itself.
There are few moments more embarrassing than farting in class—especially since passing gas is still seen as taboo and something simply not done in public. This situation becomes particularly humiliating as the student’s attempt to cover it up only draws more attention, amplifying their discomfort and making the moment unforgettable for everyone around.

#1 Backpack OPENED
Each and every student has their own individual backpack to carry around their items throughout the day. Backpacks are an essential accessory to wear during school and sometimes can make a difference to one’s appearance.
And in this scenario, having an opened backpack when walking around the hallways can make one’s aura drastically decrease.
No matter who it is or why, walking around with an opened backpack IS the most embarrassing thing anybody can do and it is safe to say many can agree to that. Not only does one’s items show off to the rest of the people around them but it just looks so goofy looking because of how clueless one looks when it is opened. Even more embarrassing if their folders or papers fall out of the backpack—might as well transfer schools at that point.
Diego • Nov 23, 2024 at 1:14 pm
Pamela Cruz • Nov 22, 2024 at 9:42 am