Senior Assassin returns to WEGO – but not without controversy
The rules are the rules.
April 23, 2024
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About the Contributors

Michael Birdsell, Reviews Editor
Michael is a senior, and a second-year member of the Wildcat Chronicle. He has been involved with the West Chicago golf, tennis, and scholastic bowl teams throughout his time in high school. In his free time, he enjoys reading literary fiction, watching arthouse films, and listening to music. He plans to attend a four-year university to study either English or law.

Alexa Morales, Features Editor
Although Alexa is a senior at WEGO, she is the captain of the dance team.
Something unique about Alexa is that she was an exchange student in France for a week and a half last spring.
Alexa’s favorite music artist at the moment is Lana Del Rey.
Looking ahead into her future, Alexa is planning to go to college to be a nurse.

Alyssa Apostoli, Reporter
Alyssa Apostoli is a celloist of nine years, and an aspiring forensic scientist who plans on using her skills to potentially pursue a career as an investigator with the FBI one day. As a senior at WCCHS, Alyssa is known for her bubbly demeanor and energetic personality. Outside of school, Alyssa loves to draw and enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Shenzi and Teddy.

Jayden Lang, Reporter
Jayden Lang is someone who can be found writing poetry, taking inspiration from a poet named Kwota B. In the future, he wants to write and publish a book and use his poetic style to be a motivational speaker. When he is not writing or doing school work as a senior at West Chicago Community High School, he enjoys playing “The Division” or spending time with his poodle mix, Ace.