The color red is one associated with passion, anger, and even danger. When one sees a red flag on the side of the road, it means slow down, proceed with caution. Such is the case with metaphorical red flags as well: warning signs that something – in this case, a relationship – is not meant to be. Too often, people ignore these warning signs believing that they can change their partner, or that perhaps they are making a “mountain out of a molehill.” But when one thinks about it, a molehill is really just housing for a pest – and these women can be nuisances, for sure.
After examining the top 5 red flags in men in the fall, the Chronicle is now ready to release its list of warning signs for women.
#5 Taylor Swift Fans
Goodness gracious, even though this listing is a joke, it is also not. Taylor Swift fans, who commonly refer to themselves as “Swifties”, are not to be trusted. Not only do these women adore Taylor Swift, but they also seem to idolize her, and their endearment is kind of annoying. The glazing, or overhyping to the point of irritation, that these fans heap upon the Grammy Award-winning single is impressive. Most teens love music as the much as the next human being on planet Earth, but if one makes music, or a single artist, their personality, then that is an issue.
Men want similar ideals as women: they seek women who uphold good characteristics, values, and goals, rather than swooning adoration for a celebrity persona. These are all facts Taylor Swift fans just cannot seem to comprehend. There has to be a line drawn between being a fan and being called a “Swiftie”, and this term, regrettably, has become a buzzword and meme thrown around to describe women who love Taylor Swift. While each claims her devotion is more than another’s, they are all, ultimately, lumped into one big heap of fans, which is to say that their personalities are identical, with no interesting aspects in character or judgment. They not only share enthusiasm for Swift, but the same recycled ones every other fan has. Ladies, men want a relationship with you – not Taylor Swift (she’s taken).

#4 Says one thing, and means another
Saying on thing, but meaning another entirely is common practice for many women, and it is very unfortunate that ladies believe men can read minds and process their innermost thoughts 100 percent accurately. Unfortunately, this belief, though not self-inflicted, bites men in the back when they do not understand their partner’s indirect message. Being in this position can be quite emotionally depleting, and most men cannot be expected to comprehend the various ‘requests’ a woman makes if said requests are not direct. This genre of woman can even out-riddle The Riddler with the cryptic meanings she conveys through her body language and subliminal messages.
Communication is a key component of a relationship, and most of the time, women say or send mixed messages, which, let’s be honest: could either mean that women are not facing what is troubling them head-on, or that there is a shortage of self-confidence and adaptability. Either way, these women, most definitely red flags, put men in the tricky position of having to work overtime to understand the opposite sex . Much luck to those who encounter this type of woman, and if one really puts in the work, it can be possible to overcome this mental gameplay. Those who succeed should enjoy every single minute of life, as theirs will undoubtedly be shorter.

#3 Still talks to their Ex
Be very careful: a girl who talks to her ex is a big red flag and should be considered a big ‘NO’ for anyone looking to get into a relationship.
A girl who still has communication with her ex is neither looking for a healthy relationship, nor good for one. Either she – or the ex – could still be in love and are having trouble letting go of the past. Things never go well in situations involving former partners, and there have been many cases involving cheating with said ex. Exes, to these women, are viewed as potential backups to rekindle a past flame if the current relationship does not work.
A pursuer of this woman’s health, heart, and mindset, will be shattered – if not obliterated – if she cannot leave past relationships in the past. It is best to leave before becoming the casualty in the relationship – one that clearly involves a distant third party. Yet, there may be a silver lining: talk to her about the feelings of jealousy that will naturally occur in this set-up, and realize that jealousy is not bad unless it is utilized for extreme control. Everybody will most likely have some sort of jealousy at one point or another, and those who can process their emotions via a relationship with a girl who has an ex will realize that these feelings are okay, and perhaps be quicker to spot a red flag in the future.
#2 Loves Drama
Some girls just relish drama: not school play drama, but useless arguments that can explode over time. These women are manipulative, and their actions could involve just one person, but have the capability of pulling entire groups of people into drama. It is mentally draining if the girl in question loves all the gossip: chances are, a world full of pain and drain is imminent.
One can behold this red flag from a mile off. She can be seen with her talking behind people’s backs and making fun of her so-called friends. While a possible solution is to just ignore her when she talks behind her pals’ backs, doing so is not that easy. Humans love the victim mentality, whether they realize it or not. Drama is a cycle in the minds of people, especially women, who crave attention. These Gossip Girls are naive, ignorant, and want to play a role as they become part of the ‘issue’.
Trying to curtail this woman’s love of all things dramatic is a moot point: these ladies are immature, and not dating material. They will most likely end up as a future problem when the drama suddenly shifts to the current main squeeze.
The only drama that should be involved in relationships is watching K-dramas together and relishing in the fact that one’s relationship is not similar.
#1 A Lengthy Cheating History
Sorry, but no. If a girl has a cheating history, then the odds are she has that “pick-me” girl mentality and is probably a people pleaser. She will yearn for attention from anyone willing to give her what she desires, regardless of the consequences. It is very hard for a girl who has cheated not to cheat again, as once she has strayed from a committed relationship successfully, it becomes easier to repeat the action. In fact, this woman likely experiences a huge dose of dopamine increase every time she cheats – regardless of whether she is caught or not. Like a drug, it is going to be very hard for this lady to break her habit. So keep this red flag in mind when pursuing a relationship with a girl who is less than faithful. Just a piece of advice: ignore the warnings, and the actions of the girl will speak for themself.