Earth has made its full rotation around the sun, marking the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. Throughout the coarse of 365 days many individuals have experienced growth within a mix of the good and bad, along with both success and failure. Surely the phrase “New year, new me” is not foreign, as every new year marks new beginnings which allow for reflection and change. Although New Year’s resolutions are quick to be pushed aside and neglected, here are the top 5 resolutions to start this year off on a good note.
#5. Working out
Living a healthier lifestyle through working out is a good goal to lean towards. However, people constantly connect the idea of losing weight to being healthy, when in reality, health has other factors tied to it, such as diet and mentality.
Upon making a fitness goal it is recommended to be specific so the goal is realistic and attainable over a long period of time. More often than not being more fit is a goal that is abandoned fairly quickly. People either do not plan well, or are faced with an unmotivated attitude, which directly affects consistency. Working out and or losing weight is a popular resolution as it is a great way to build up not only strength, but confidence in one’s self image. Nonetheless, understanding struggles and hardships within a goal help prepare individuals for success.
#4. Getting organized
New beginnings offer a fresh start to building healthy habits. Whether that is through keeping a tidy room or using a planner, having a more organized environment is beneficial and ultimately reduces stress and increases motivation. Writing out events and assignments on a calendar allows individuals to be more aware of time, which seems to go by too quickly.
This resolution fixates on being attentive and finding what works best for each individual. Considering that everyone has different methods of staying organized, the affect-ability of a method is reflected within the results. Being organized creates guidelines to structure an individual’s day, optimizing productivity.

#3. Making more time for family and friends
Family and friends are the main source of interaction for people, sharing laughs and providing advice when necessary. Going into the new year surrounded with individuals who are not only genuine, but a good influence is a major factor in having a positive outlook. It is especially vital considering these people create core memories within life. Oftentimes people are too fixated on their phones, work, and personal struggles to pay attention to individuals around them. Although these are valid aspects to occupy the mind with, it is important to have some kind of balance between personal matters and interacting with people.
Upon the end of 2023, TikTok users have been manifesting a better year and even started a small catchphrase “2024(for) the plot”, looking to be interactive and making the most of this year.
#2. Building a better budget
Retail therapy is real, but so is the reality of spending too much money on impulse purchases. Spending money is a constant occurrence that can’t be avoided, but building a better budget will help with savings. Evaluating income and putting forth money towards everyday necessities, along with aside in case of emergencies is a strategic way to divide spending.
However, this doesn’t mean shopping sprees and restaurants are off the table; instead, resolution #2 highlights the concept of being more thoughtful when making a purchase. Being better about budgeting allows future opportunities and purchases to easily be obtained. The best part about a budget is it encourages fluidity, since expenses will not always be fixed and adjusting spending and saving to fit a situation is realistic.
#1. Learning a new skill or hobby
Keeping up with serious New Year’s resolutions can be overwhelming, so a simple yet enjoyable resolution that anyone can do consists of learning a new skill or hobby. Hobbies are something many people enjoy participating in and consist of, but are not limited to interactivity, challenge, and relaxation. Although some skills are more useful than others, when choosing a new skill to learn it is important to consider interests as to maintain engagement.
However, that does not mean participating in a random activity cannot awaken an unknown talent. Crochet, skateboarding, or perhaps cooking can be fun and enjoyable hobbies to indulge in. Although in essence a small goal, there are a lot more benefits than people may think. The effort of learning new skills helps improve brain function, mental well being, and can even be the driving factor behind connecting with people.