On October 26, a pep assembly was held to honor and recognize sports teams within West Chicago Community High School. This was the first indoor, all-school pep assembly since 2019 due to issues with the growing student population of WCCHS fitting into the Bishop Gym, along with precautions regarding the pandemic.
Pep Club came together in the Bishop Gym around the end of eighth hour, blowing up white and blue balloons to represent the school colors. This effort of twisting together balloons resulted in a decoration for students to see as they walked in the doors.
Before the assembly started, Pep Club leader Elizabeth Mastroianni ran through the plan and expectations for the assembly with her Pep Club followers.

Upon kickoff, students were directed by Pep Club members into their section of the bleachers, while the band played songs such as “Shut up and Dance” by WALK THE MOON.

English teacher David Jennings soon got onto the microphone to direct attention to the Varsity volleyball coach, Mackenzie Bell. Bell recognized the senior players, thanking and congratulating them for the team’s strong season, as not only were they Upstate Eight Conference Champions, but they won the first conference championship for WCCHS in over 10 years.

Soon after, soccer announcer and English teacher Brad Larson talked proudly of the team’s achievements this year, including their regional win. Larson, who has MCed the soccer games for 30 years and is now facing retirement, called up each team member one-by-one as they ran through an alignment of cheerleaders shaking their poms. The whole Varsity team stood in a line across the gym floor.

Once the round of recognition was over, Jennings announced the “Grab the Football” game, in which Pep Club members grabbed four students from each grade to participate in a ‘Simon Says’ type of competition. Four students within the same grade competed against each other before opposing grade levels went head-to-head. Hands started out on the head, and then Jennings would call out either shoulders, knees, toes, and so on. The game required good listening skills, along with fast reflexes. The sophomore class was victorious.

After the intermission, Judah McLean was acknowledged for an amazing Cross Country season, as he qualified for sectionals, and now state.

The girls’ swim team was then brought up to congratulate their Upstate Eight Conference win, this being the fourth year in a row where West Chicago’s co-op team has gone undefeated.

A relay game commenced after a performance by the Dance Team. In honor of all the outstanding sports this season, the relay connected each element of the game to a sport. Two students from each grade had to work together in order to complete a series of tasks, including bumping a volleyball, throwing a football through a hula hoop, running to kick a soccer ball, and ‘swimming’ across the gym on a stomach scooter to the opposite side.
The relay started with the freshmen before working their way to the seniors. As the timer ticked away, the more competitive the participants became. Seniors Baron Plumlee and Davis Dore celebrated their quick win with visible passion.

Football recognition was held off until the end. The 2023 season marked WEGO’s first playoff bid in 21 years. Coach Adam Chavez spoke out on behalf of the team, congratulating them on their efforts throughout this successful season, all while the score board of their final victory displayed in Bishop Gym.
Upon the conclusion of the pep assembly, students were dismissed for a long weekend.