Pineapple. Strawberries. Mango. Cantaloupe. Blueberries. Bananas. Apples. Grapes. Raspberries.
Indeed, they are all delicious fruits to eat on a summer day – or really, at any time of the year – but only five deserve a spot on the list.
#5 Pineapple
Pineapple sits at the number five spot because while this fruit does taste good and can stay fresh for 3-5 days, it is very acidic and burns the mouth. Pineapple is also at the bottom of the list because of its high levels of vitamin C, which can cause nausea, diarrhea, and heartburn. Eating too much pineapple can actually cause a skin rash, too: so while tasty, pineapple should be consumed in small, infrequent doses.
#4 Strawberries
Strawberries are fourth on the list because they have leaves that one must avoid eating. Strawberries also spoil faster than a lot of fruits, and can very quickly become covered in mold. The little seeds can also get stuck in one’s teeth, which is never pleasant. Still, strawberries are great because they naturally deliver vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols — without any sodium, fat, or cholesterol.
#3 Mangoes
Next up is mango. Mangoes have a lot of health benefits, such as potential anti-cancer effects, improved immunity and digestive and eye health. Typically, mangoes stay fresh for up to five days, making them on par with strawberries. However, mangos are just a bit ahead because they produce vitamin D and fiber in the body, which is also a great benefit.
#2 Cantaloupe
At number two, cantaloupe is a fruit that tastes really good and looks appetizing with its bright orange coloring. It cannot be denied that cantaloupe is juicy, and because this fruit stays fresh up to 10 days, it does not have to be consumed right away. Cantaloupe is also a very refreshing fruit that produces Vitamin C and Vitamin A.
#1 Watermelon
Watermelon is practically made of just water (91% water) (7.5% carbs), and is filled with nutrients, making this fruit a good, light snack. It is the most refreshing food to eat on a hot summer day. Watermelons can also stay fresh for up to two weeks in the refrigerator. This superb fruit also produces a lot of vitamin A and C, and can be made into many different things such as watermelon sorbet, gelato, smoothies, popsicles etc. Watermelon reduces cancer risk, cardiovascular improvement, and helps people lose weight, and for all these reasons it is at the top of the list.
Ethan Godwin • Oct 18, 2023 at 9:38 am
Umm, no. I’ll agree that watermelon is #1, but all the others do not fly with me. #2 has to be honeydew, because it’s sweet, but not too sweet. AND, in a smoothie there is almost nothing more refreshing. Next has to be mango, then blueberry.
Mr. Aiello • Oct 17, 2023 at 12:39 pm
While I agree that all the fruits listed are strong selections, and I am glad to see some love for the often maligned Cantaloupe, I find the absence of the apple egregious. Not only are apples uniquely delicious and refreshing, but they come in an assortment of flavors. They can also be picked from a tree for a fun fall activity. The health benefits of apples are unquestionable. As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I hereby deny the validity of this list, due to the disturbing lack of apples.