On Sunday, September 24, in Weyrauch Auditorium, the National Honor Society at WCCHS inducted 71 new members, all juniors and seniors.
The ceremony began when adviser Leslie Fireman welcomed the students into the program, and then Dr. Will Dwyer provided the opening remarks, focusing his speech on the idea of a “fresh start” for the chapter, which wants to be more service-focused in the year to come.
Student President of NHS, Mia Valliquette, gave the presidential address, and the NHS officers then began to discuss the four pillars the students displayed.
The National Honor Society is made up of students who perform each of the four pillars: leadership, character, scholarship, and service. The students chosen to be a part of this program exceed academically, and are involved in the WCCHS community.
“Your acceptance into NHS indicates that you are someone to look up to, and someone who this school holds as an example to students of all ages,” senior Neela Myers, NHS Treasurer, said during the ceremony.
After each officer spoke, they lit the candles, which represents the idea they are “lighting the way” for the new members.
Myers and Publicity Officer Lauren Sikma led the recitation of the pledge, and the event was concluded with closing remarks given by Fireman.
“This year’s induction ran pretty smoothly, and it seemed like a lot of people were really happy to be inducted. A lot of people stayed after and were able to interact with each other, which was nice because people got to be together as a community – both students and families,” senior Melanie Duran, the organization’s Vice-President, said.
The latest members include seniors Sebastian Alarcon, Muaz Ali, Alessandra Angeles, Michael Birdsell, Kyler Campbell, Gabrielle Christman, Alexa D. Correa, Jose Cruz, Simran Dave, Kevin Dorl, Julissa Duran, Joselyn Figueroa, Aidan Gerster, Dhanveer Gill, Isaac D. Hernandez, Arely Jacobo, Ava Lowell, Regan Miessler, Vanessa Miguel-Garcia, Zaida Morales-Guerrero, Jayem Nato, Trinity Nelson, Cooper Pensinger, Vanessa Romero-Reyes, Giavanna (Gia) Rotger, Sophia Spinelli, Leah Victoria Stetsik, Jamie Sticha, Ayelin Vellikara, Margaret (Maggie) White, and Emily Ziajor.

New members also include juniors Stephanie Suzette Alfaro, Tessa Banasiak, Logan Bryson, Isabella Colburn, Lauren Dusing, Pierson Foos, Dixie Garcia, Sophia Garcia, Giselle Gonzalez, Daniel Guevara, Emily Hanania, Eilynne Hernandez, Josh Janowick, Addison Jeffery, George Kotke, Zack Kreitzer, Robert (Robby) J. Lee, Yazmin Lopez Pedroza, Lauren Ludovice, Elizabeth (Ella) Marszalek, Asher McNiel, Michaela Miller, Nathan Moesch, Dominik Mohai, Braydon Munter, Khashika Narain, Sophia Newell, David Andres Pachon Dimate, Ansh Parikh, Xamantha Ramos, Jessica Thunberg, Neeraj Vangara, Andrew (Drew) Voight, Jacob (Jake) Voight, Ella Warsaw, Zachariah (Zach) Williamson, Mia Zapata, and Frankie Ziberna.
“We are thrilled to welcome these new members into our chapter this year and look forward to integrating them into our chapter in the months to come. They should be very proud of all they have achieved so far,” Fireman said.