Performer Spotlight: Jazmin Wilkins brings light to untold stories
Photo by Jazmin Wilkins
Senior Jazmin Wilkins has been involved in WEGO Drama for numerous years.
January 31, 2022
What is WeGo Drama?
So we are part of a club and a program. So with our club, we meet every other Tuesday and we just talk about shows or we play games, win prizes, things like that. And then our program is when we perform our actual shows. So we audition: Mr. Begovich will cast the parts, and then we’ll perform them for the public to see. It’s very, very fun and exciting, and it’s able to really bring the program together and give opportunities to people to act and perform.

How many years have you been involved in WeGo Drama?
All 4 years.
How did you get into performing?
Well, I had taken Begovich’s advanced and regular drama class, and he pulled me aside one day and told me that I should be involved in CPGI, which is our competition shows during the season, which was about…I think he asked me February of 2019, I think. I’ve always been part of the club, like I went to the meetings and stuff, but I didn’t start doing the actual performances until then because he told me I should be a part of it, and then I did, and I loved it.
What do you like best about WeGo Drama?
I love the ability to be able to create a safe space for others to engage in parts of their lives that they don’t necessarily like to show. And I like to tell stories from other people’s perspectives, and to be able to bring light to certain situations that aren’t necessarily always brought light brought to.
Have you met a lot of people through the program?
Oh yeah. All of my friends that I’ve met, to this day, I have been friends with since the beginning of the program: Kai [Herrera], Maggie Hancock, and Philip Calabrese… And we have newcomers every year, with the freshmen, and even people who are seniors. Like we have new seniors this year too, which is really nice, because our program is always a place where literally anybody can join.
Does it matter if you are experienced at all?
Oh, not at all. You can come with no experience, you can come with all the experience… It’s a great place to start.

Who has really mentored you as a performer?
Mr. Begovich, which is our theater director. He has taught me almost everything that I know. I started in his program, thinking I knew what I was doing, and then I met him and found out that I don’t know what I am doing. He taught me how to be a performer, but not only to perform, but how to make great art. So he is truly wonderful. Best mentor I could ask for.
What is next for you (in high school, college or beyond)?
I am looking to go to college for acting. I have lots of auditions planned out for Juilliard, for NYU… Because of this program, this is the next step for me. The program made me realize this is all I want to do for the rest of my life.
What are your dream schools?
My number one school is Juilliard, which is the ultimate fine arts school in New York, and then I also want to go to New York University. So, basically, New York and Massachusetts are the places that I am looking at because those are the best places to start out with acting.
What would you say to others who want to join the program or are thinking about it?
Don’t be afraid to join, and don’t be afraid to speak your mind because that is what our program is all. It’s all about taking other people’s stories and being able to show them in our own way. To be able to spread the news, or spread awareness of serious topics, funny topics, literally anything. It’s a great way to pretend while also striving to make great art.