Spare change to help climate change refugees
Photo by Ariana Alcantar
WeGo Global member Camryn Liberio explains the true or false statements to group members during their executive meeting Monday after school.
April 30, 2019
As part of their environment element, WeGo Global is inviting third-hour teachers to collect any spare change through Friday to raise awareness of climate change refugees.
“I wanted to do something with climate change refugees because you always think of polar bears being affected, but a lot of people are being affected,” member Camyrn Liberio said.
Funds raised will be donated to Refugees International.
“They are a nonprofit organization for helping a displaced person whether that be environmentally or any other reason,” Liberio said.
The class who raises the most money will receive a traveling globe trophy and cookies.
In addition, WeGo Global members will make true or false statements about climate change refugees that will be hung around the school.
“The flyers will have a true or false statement, you take it if you know the answer and you bring it to Hass’ room (183) to exchange it for a treat,” Liberio said.