School internship turns into a love for drama

Drama teacher Mark Begovich helps junior Nathan Bradley develop his character for a play.

By Leslie Najera-Rivas, Editor in Chief

While exploring different paths and doing an internship, drama teacher Mark Begovich developed a passion for drama.

“I (actually) saw myself on a different path for a long time. When I was growing up, I wound up doing some tutoring and then I was an intern,” Begovich said. “I had to teach some college kids and I was working also with some high school and younger kids and I really loved it.”

Begovich’s love to help students helped him to find a different career. He has been teaching for over 20 years.

“I went down to a different path for a little bit, but I kept coming back to remembering how much I enjoyed tutoring and working with students and I changed my entire path so that I could become a teacher,” Begovich said.

While working as an intern, Begovich learned valuable lessons.

“Everyone has something to share. It’s true that through education we can empower others and the advantage of being an art teacher is that you get to foster people’s growth, their empathy for understanding how human beings are, how we all are and hopefully put a mirror and see who we are as human beings,” Begovich said.

Begovich took a piece of advice from a friend that now keeps him inspired every day.

“A good friend told me (to) make many memories and so I try to keep that in mind and foster that because I believe that we can make great art that the students have, so much more talent to give and I wish that I would have included that right from the start,” Begovich said.

Although drama is his passion, there were conflicts that Begovich went through to get to where he is today.

“Some (conflicts) were financial because I do not come from a wealthy family at all or anything like that, so just paying for college was a struggle,” Begovich said.

Begovich shares advice to students wanting to follow their dream.

“Know what your dream is, know what you’re getting into and then go for it. But don’t be afraid to change,” Begovich said. “You may think that you have this one clear path, but then suddenly you find and discover and try something new that suddenly that sparks your passion. Whatever you do, be passionate about it.”