A taste of love through WeGo Drama’s fall musical “Lovesick”
Photo by Isabela Casimiro
Makeup artist from the Technology Center of DuPage prepares senior Rudy Munoz for “Lovesick” rehersals.
September 5, 2018
WeGo Drama will perform John Cariani’s play, “Lovesick” for their fall musical on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
“‘Lovesick is actually a great play. (It’s about) how all these different people deal with different aspects of a relationship whether it’s first meeting, first falling in love, first break up, or later when it gets even more complicated,” director Mark Begovich said. “(In the play) you see several different couples, all at the same time in just different places of the world at 7:30 of a Friday night.”
Drama students had the opportunity to meet the author and do a workshop with him last spring.
“It was just an incredible process so it’s a great opportunity,” Begovich said. “We worked with the author several years ago in a play called ‘Almost Maine’ and it is a companion piece too.”
“Lovesick” was chosen as WeGo Drama’s second play for how it connects to the multiple aspects of love.
“It’s all about finding your passion (and) how love can sometimes make us heartsick,” Begovich said.
Their main target audience is high school age and up.
“(The play is for) everyone that could relate to the aspects of love,” Begovich said.
Tickets can be purchased during lunch hours or at the door at $5 per student and $8 per adult.
The performance will start at 7 p.m.