“The Complete History of America” with a twist

Photo by Ariana Alcantar

Kenneth Correa, David Brown, and Ricky Gieser rehearse for “The Complete History of America (Abridged).”

By Ariana Alcantar, Editor in Chief

WeGo Drama will perform “The Complete History of America (Abridged)’’ to begin the season Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

“‘The Complete History of America’ is a very fun, silly, energetic, highly-active, audience interactive (show),” WeGo Drama adviser and director Mark Begovich said.

According to Begovich, directors ‘wrestle’ with a question to find the point of a play.

“The challenge as a director is you have to look at things and (see) if you can boil it down to an essential question you’re wrestling with,” Begovich said. “On this show, I’m wrestling with that idea of ‘how did America become what it is?’ in a funny satirical way, but that’s what the show is about: how we got here,” Begovich said.

The play’s a fast-paced display from the founding of America to today with a twist.

“Anybody who comes to the show is going to get a little bit of a history lesson but it’s through laughter, it’s through us poking at something to prove a point and it pokes fun of all different aspects of who we are as Americans,” Begovich said.

The play is meant to have three characters, but for this show, Begovich changed it so there would be 19 characters.

“We all play multiple characters, there’s not a single set character for anyone. I have multiple ranging from myself to a film noir detective,” WeGo Drama president Ricky Geiser said.

The actors took history classes to prepare for the show.

“(To prepare for this show) there are history lessons. You have to know what you’re making fun of, you have to know what the joke is and what it means,” Begovich said.

Actors are looking forward to performing.

“I’m feeling very happy and excited about this play and this year’s season, it’s gonna be a whole lot of fun,”  Geiser said. “I’m excited about sharing this fun show with as many people and friends as possible.”

Wego Drama’s season theme focuses on the idea to “transform.”

“There’s such great power in transforming and doing something a little bit different, the idea is to be bold, be daring, be who you want to be..” Begovich said.

Future productions include a murder mystery dinner, “We Will Rock You School Edition,” and “Cinderella Broadway Edition.”

“The one thing that everybody will get from each show is that people are growing and changing and transforming and that’s magical,” Begovich said.

Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at www.wegotheatre.com at $5 for students and $8 for adults.

All performances start at 7 p.m.