Holiday meaning is reinvented and Americanized
Photo by Mayeli Vivaldo
Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of a battle won at Puebla, Mexico against French troops.
May 5, 2017
Cinco De Mayo, starting as a holiday celebrated in Mexico, has evolved into one celebrated in America as well. But the meaning of the holiday has greatly diminished.
It started when France invaded Mexico. Over 6,000 French troops under General Charles Latrille de Lorencez attacked Puebla de Los Ángeles.
In Mexico, only Puebla celebrates Cinco De Mayo. They re-enact the battle and throw parties. But in other Mexican states, Cinco De Mayo is a day like any other. However, people in America make Cinco De Mayo a huge deal.
The question is why is it a big deal in America if it is a holiday that only Puebla celebrates?
It is not a Cinco De Mayo party without the following: pinatas, tacos, sombreros, mariachis, and alcohol.
It does not make sense how Americans celebrate Cinco De Mayo more than Mexico if it is a Mexican holiday.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 38 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities that occurred each year around May 5 involved impaired drivers or motorcycle operators with blood alcohol concentrations of .08 and above.
To make matters worse, some Americans confuse Cinco De Mayo with Mexico’s Independence Day. They are two different holidays.
El Grito de Dolores is a speech that priest Miguel de Hidalgo persuaded Mexicans to revolt against Spain’s rule Sept. 16 1810. Independence Day is celebrated Sept. 16 even though Mexico became independent Sept. 28.
In truth, people need to know the meaning behind a holiday before they can celebrate it. That way, a culture’s identity will not be corrupted.
The American version of Cinco de Mayo has corrupted the celebration.
Our president is an example of someone who takes advantage of the holiday.
Trump tweeted on May 5, 2016, “Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”
He’s using the holiday as an advertising platform. Does he loves Hispanics because he serves taco bowls? It doesn’t make sense.
People need to know the actual meaning of a holiday before choosing to celebrate it. Only then will the meaning of a holiday not be lost. Instead of drinking and partying, people need to know why people celebrate Cinco De Mayo and then decide it if makes sense to participate.