New rules enforce order in the LRC

Photo by Ariana Alcantar

The new library rules require students to come in before the bell, stay in the library for the whole period, and bans any cafeteria food.

By Ariana Alcantar, Editor in Chief

Taking advantage of the old lightly enforced rules and using the library as a restaurant created new rules.

Students will now be required to come in before the bell or will be sent back to lunch unless they have a pass from a teacher. They are also required to stay in the library at all times. When it comes to food, snacks are okay but food from the cafeteria is not allowed.

The rules were made to keep the library a study room and not a restaurant.

“(Librarians) were finding a lot of food on the floor and people were not cleaning up their messes,” LRC director Jennifer Brady said.

Students used their lunch period to hang out in the hallways according to Brady.

“There were a lot of people taking advantage of coming to the library during lunch, they would then say they were going back to lunch and they were just in the halls. So it’s to keep students safe and know where they are at all times,” Brady said.

Students are expected to use the library as a study room.

Classes taking place in the library do not require students to scan their IDs, only if they come here any other period like for lunch or a study period.

“If they need to come here during lunch, plan ahead of time or ask a teacher for a pass when they are working here to make sure they are working quietly and not disturbing others and not bringing super size fries and Mcdonald’s,” Brady said. “(The library) is a safe space for people to come, (a place where) they feel comfortable working in and where they can still have their snacks and little things but in a more respectful way.”

Students are required to stay in the library in order to help with security issues.

“We are hoping to help security guards be able to manage where student are during lunch periods,” Brady said.

Students have responded positively to the new rules.

“No one has been disrespectful, our students are great,” Brady said.