Research help is only a few clicks away
Photo by Theresa Carriveau
The LRC introduced a new program helping students with their research projects. Just click the research help button. Library media specialist Donna Leahy is ready to help.
December 14, 2016
The LRC introduced a new program helping students with their research projects.
“I got the idea for the research help service from seeing the program at some others high schools,” library media specialist Donna Leahy said.
Students are able to receive one-on-one help with their research projects such as Challenge to Change or the junior research project.
“It will be very specific to the student and topic,” Leahy said.
Leahy can help start a project, choose a topic, find valid research, and even help with citing and annotations.
To sign up, students can access the LRC homepage from the student section on the school’s website.
Once on the the LRC homepage, click the research help button, fill out the Google Doc and receive an appointment within 24 hours.