New cross country coach, main focus is positivity

Head cross country coach David Sayner helps senior Filiberto Romero at practice.

By Mayeli Vivaldo, Editor in Chief

Coach David Sayner has instructed several sports for many years, but his role as head coach for the cross country team is a new experience for him.

Previously, Sayner coached the track team.

“I originally got involved in coaching track because my daughters ran track and so, six years ago, when my oldest daughter got involved, coach Maxson, the head coach, told me there was an availability. I had to learn the sprinter position since I ran distance before,” Sayner said.

Later on, Sayner was offered his current position.

“When my youngest daughter graduated, there was a vacancy in the boys cross country so Mr. Mullaney approached me and said, ‘would you ever be interested going over from track to cross?’ Since I felt more comfortable with distance, I took the offer,” Sayner said.

Sayner used to be an assistant coach.

“It’s great, in many ways, it’s like past years. The one big (difference) is there’s more of the administrating things that I didn’t have to do (as an assistant coach) like fundraising. We have to figure out how to raise money, buy T-shirts, run summer camp, and have interviews with reporters. It takes more time,” Sayner said.

Sayner finds cross country unique out of all the sports he has coached.

“What is nice about cross country is that you have all age levels. We have freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. So you get those upperclassmen who are leaders. They are great leaders for the underclassmen,” Sayner said.

Sayner strives to keep his team positive.

“As we go into a race or a work out, we talk a lot about trying to avoid saying that the course is very challenging or too hilly. Instead, we say, it’s not too hot out, try and embrace challenges whether it’s hills or heat,” Sayner said.

Sayner is proud of how his team behaves.

“When they’re not running, they’re encouraging the runners on. They’re not sitting there in their tents. After practice, we shake hands and high fives. There’s a lot of encouragement. The kids pick each other up,” Sayner said.

The team’s next meet is at Peoria on Saturday.