Musicians brighten up the morning with monthly performances

Photo by Hector Cervantes

Staff and students gathered in the commons for the first Tunes with the Cat. Senior Amber Stump performed along with junior Renato Sosa and English teacher Nick Kempski who played their guitars.

By Hector Cervantes, Reporter

Music filled commons Friday morning when Tunes with the Cat made its debut.

English teacher Nick Kempski performed along with junior Renato Sosa and senior Amber Stump who was a late addition to the concert.

“I think it is a really cool opportunity for kids to showcase their talents. This is something the kids can do on a regular basis,”  Kempski said.

Tunes with the Cat will take place once every month on a Friday at 7:15 a.m.

Songs performed included all genres with guitars and a harmonica.

“It feels good to perform. It was a last minute notice when I was given the opportunity to perform,” Sosa said.

The idea behind Tunes with the Cat came from activities director Marc Wolfe and social studies teacher Candace Fikis.

The commons was filled with students and staff listening to Tunes with the Cat.

“Renato was really good. He is going to go very far in his music career. The music was nice and everyone sounded good,” junior Filiberto Romero said.

According to Sosa, the next Tunes with The Cat will feature a PA system.

“It feels good to perform you just ignore everybody else and you just get sucked into the music,” Sosa said.