Most people only think there are two perspectives of graduation, either a spectator or a graduate, however; the experience of performers is quite different.

Choir student Abigail Przybyla asked a friend to do her makeup before the performance so she could look her best under the lighting. They laughed and prepared for the performance together.

WEGO’s Concert & Mixed Choir performed at Commencement alongside the band. They were provided cheese, pepperoni, and sausage pizza to fuel up before the night.

Band students were instructed to load the bus with instruments before trifling through pizza boxes. The choir’s altos and sopranos were lucky to have the first pick of pizza, as the tenors and bases were busy packing accompanist Robin Klapatch’s keyboard. After buses were packed, students took time to socialize, eat, do homework, and get ready.

The band and choir boarded their buses at 4:30 p.m. The drive to Northern Illinois University (NIU) was about 40 minutes, and the time was filled with eruptions of song, laughter, and snoring (thanks to this reporter, who took a nap on the bus).

The band performed a handful of patriotic pieces including: “Salute To America’s Finest,” “America the Beautiful,” “You’re A Grand Old Flag,” “Star Spangled Banner,” and “Battle Hymn Of The Republic.” They also performed “Pomp And Circumstance,” “Flight Of The Thunderbird,” “Processional And Recessional,” and “The Fight Song.”

The choir performed a shortened version of their spring concert setlist at the graduation ceremony. The pieces included “I See The Light,” “Hallelujah,” and “Shallow.” They also sang with the band during the National Anthem and “Battle Hymn Of The Republic.”

Senior Ayelin Vellikara—who plans to major in computer science at UIC—smiles glitteringly as her classmates are given their diplomas. She was a choir student for all four years of her high school career and was meant to have a solo in the last concert, but unfortunately fell ill and was unable to perform.
Band member Matthew Eaton got to experience graduation from a perspective outside of performer. He was recognized many times by the music department for his fantastic performances and school spirit. He will be missed by many, especially the other band kids.

The set is over for these graduating seniors, but the music will play on at West Chicago Community High School.