Bella. Donald. Waffles. Cat. Jerry. All ratchet and lame names for one’s cat. In this day and age, there are far better choices for a pet, so here are the top 5 best cat names!
#5 Characters on the Big Screen
Some people opt to name their cats for movie/ TV characters, and this is a good option. An example of a movie name is “Oliver” from the movie “Oliver and Company.” Another great example would be Tom from “Tom and Jerry.” In fact, cats can be very timid like Tom, who is scared of ghosts, and most importantly of JERRY. Anyone could name their cat Jerry, as this name fits just about anyone. So, when naming a cat, consider a favorite movie or show – that is what makes them unique.

#4 Real-World People
People from one’s actual life make great inspiration for pet names, too. For example, another reporter was given a kitten by her friend, Luna. She named that kitten Luna. Also, Vicente is a famous Mexican Mariachi artist who died, and because he was great and now part of history, naming a furry cat baby after him could be a great idea.
#3 Based on Looks
A third option would be to name one’s cat for their appearance. Appearance is important, and one’s gorgeous orange cat can be called Ginger. Or, if the cat has white paws, that can remind the owner of boots or socks, why not name him that? Wow! How cute. Or what about Whiskers? That beautiful baby could have multi-colored whiskers, or their whiskers could be the most appealing about them. Patch! There is another great appearance-based name for a cat with a unique patch on their body. So appearance can be another possibility in brainstorming names.
#2 Food Names
Thinking about the top 2 options for cat names, the best bet would be food names. Reason being that a cat can remind their owner of a favorite food, such as Mango, which could remind the owner of a sweet tropical. Or maybe even Bean, if one’s favorite Cuban dish is black beans. It is “deliciously” true that a cat can make one feel that comfort.

#1 Emotional Connections
First, Peanut is, hands down, the best name for a cat. A name like Peanut has an emotional pull: reason being because this reporter’s first ever cat is named Peanut. This name was created because Peanut was very tiny and abused by all the other adult cats and kittens when she was born. At the time of her adoption, she was basically bones. She also had a mark on top of her head in the shape of a heart and the color of a peanut that made her unique.
Hearts are emotional: to this reporter (whose first ever ring was a heart and it eventually broke), but also for everyone else who has had their heartstrings tugged. To them, the suggestion is clear: Peanut is the top best name for a cat, and choosing this name will remind the owner to “nut” give up hope.