[VIDEO] Trading cultures (understanding the German exchange program)
Earlier this winter, several German exchange students spent two weeks with host families at West Chicago Community High School, exploring the surrounding area, and American culture.
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About the Contributors
Gabriella Castro, Senior Reporter
Introducing Gabriela Castro, a sophomore from West Chicago who, up until this year, had an extensive music career. She was involved in music throughout middle school, and participated in orchestra for eight years, but decided to take a break this year, and is now focusing on other interests. Gabriella loves animals, and has a collection of four dogs, one cat, 12 birds (yes, 12!), and three snakes.
Gabriella is not sure yet what she wants to do when she graduates high school, but she knows she would like to be independent, and have her own apartment.
Fernando Arroyo Garcia, Photo Editor
Fernando Arroyo Garcia is a senior who enjoys hanging out with his friends at the gym outside of school.
At school, he is involved in AV Club and the newly-formed Drone Club.
His favorite shows consist of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul", though he believes the latter is the better show of the two.
His most enjoyable experience over the summer was buying his Canon T6i camera, which he used a lot over the summer.
Mariah Varnado, Senior Reporter
Senior Mariah Varnado has a passion for performance. She is a strong contributor on WEGO's competitive dance team, and a regular feature in WeGo Drama's theatrical productions. She not only acted in the "The Great Gatsby" and "Freaky Friday", but she also directed the group's performance of "The Brothers Grimm". Most people would describe this junior in high school as "funny", "kind" and "smart".
Jesse Sanchez, Reporter
Aside from school, Jesse Sanchez works as a part-time Chipotle employee, always lending a warm hand in customer service with a smile. In honor of being a 2024 graduate, Jesse makes the most of his last semester by involving himself in the wonders of journalism. When free, Jesse spends his time with his new bunny Daisy, whom he has recently been reunited with after she ran from home.
Philips • Apr 2, 2024 at 10:57 am
Amazing video!!!! Great editing!!