Full team helps bowlers chances at success

By Mayeli Vivaldo, Editor in Chief

The boys Bowling Club took down Larkin at a November tournament scoring 255 points higher than Larkin.

Larkin scored 1805 out of 4500 while the boy bowlers, junior TJ Lynch, junior Jake Pettigrew, senior Carlos Rocha, senior Roger Garcia, and senior Anthony Hernboth scored 2060 points out of 4500.

Three games were played in order to decide the winning team.

The first game, Larkin scored 610 while the Boys Bowling Club scored 706.

Larkin scored 561 and the Boys Bowling Club scored 644 on the second match

The boys Bowling Club scored 713 while Larkin scored 634 on the final game.

The boys will be going against Elgin on Monday.

“I think if our kids show up and they’re on their games, I think we have a great chance at winning,” adviser Gwen Geiger said.

In girls bowling, on Dec. 2, the girl’s faced South Elgin and were outnumbered. Due to this, the girls lost.

“I believe that if we had a fifth player like we needed then we would have won,” bowler Kelly Lynch said.