On a scorching hot day, there is nothing more refreshing than Capri-Sun; however, decades after its initial release, the iconic summertime staple has proceeded down the path of corporate redesign, and is no longer the nostalgic beverage many once knew, but rather an artificial and unsatisfying drink in a plastic pouch.
Believe it or not, Capri-Sun is a German beverage, first introduced by Rudolf Wild in 1969 (it is worth clicking the link to see the original packaging). Now owned by Kraft, the juice brand controls about 7.2% of the market, which is not a significant portion, true. Part of the pushback against these silver juice pouches is the nutritional content: the market has changed, and parents (as well as kids) look for 100% juice options – or at least healthier ones – over Capri-Sun.

Is the alleged boycott valid? Yes.
Capri-Sun packaging falls victim to a bland but modern corporate redesign. The packaging, while maintaining its iconic shape, has no design at all on the back, and the colors on the front are dull in comparison to previous iterations. The graphic on the front is bloated in size, and uninteresting to look at. Additionally, the most recent redesign removed the transparent bottom, which once allowed consumers to see their drink. No ice can be added to the drink, but the beverage can be enjoyed both lukewarm or refrigerated, depending on one’s preference.
However, the package does include an attached straw, which is easy to take off and use, despit being secured with strong glue.
Capri-Sun retails for $3.50-3.89 for 10 pouches, which seems reasonable.
Judging the taste of Capri-Sun is difficult because the beverage really does transport consumers back to childhood, and many students find the drink extremely satisfying during school hours. The juice is fruity, sure, and offers a smooth texture, but the quality may not be exactly pure. In fact, in comparison to past iterations, modern-day Capri-Sun loses its flavor, and tastes diluted. Though the Strawberry Kiwi flavor tastes nothing like strawberries, nor kiwi, as is the case with other flavors, Capri-Sun still manages to remain refreshing in an artificial way that really does bring out the kid in everyone.