Religious club gives students safe place to interact

By Efrain Aguilar, Contributing Writer

Most clubs focus on a certain topics and skills while Compass evokes a message different from any other club.

Compass is a Christian based club which accepts anyone of any belief or religion.

Foreign language teacher Anne Marie Salazar is the current adult leader of the club.

“The purpose of Compass is to provide a place for students to come together and learn more about God and discuss questions of faith and enjoy getting to know one another,Salazar said.

Compass has been around for two years, however, this is its first year being officially recognized as a club.

The club was founded to create a more relaxed environment for students.

“High school is a difficult time of life and you’re often looking for people who care about you, and Compass is exactly that, it’s about people who care about you,” Salazar said.

Senior Fernando Rodriguez and Junior Elijah Pinkevich are student leaders.

“It’s a place where students can come together, live life together, and live it with a community of love,” Pinkevich said.

Compass meets weekly on Tuesdays from 3:15 p.m to 4:00 p.m.

Throughout the gatherings each student gets an equal opportunity to share about anything within the Bible or their lives.

In each of their gatherings they study different topics, such as relationships and issues which most students experience.

“It really is open to everyone, don’t be afraid to come,” Salazar said.

Compass is a safe place for students to go, meet new people and enjoy themselves.

“We play games, we eat snacks, and (have) live music,” Rodriguez said.

The leaders of Compass really want to embrace that no one is alone and that they are always welcome to join Compass.

A small passage from the Bible, “May you understand how deep God’s love is for you,” Ephesians 3:18, acts as the club’s slogan.