Have you ever loved playing tennis, but over time seemed to get bored of it? Do you love the thrill and playstyle you get only from tennis, but want another way of playing it with a similar goal?
Pickleball is a sport very similar to tennis only that it is played more like ping pong, but still grants the tennis feel.

Pickleball has seen enormous growth in the past decade. There is at least one pickleball court in every town: West Chicago, Aurora, St. Charles, and the list goes on. To give pickleball a chance, two Wildcat Chronicle staff members stepped into Court 2 in Naperville’s Sure Shot Pickleball warehouse. Both play tennis, so there might be a slight bias toward this subject, but, then again, tennis and pickleball are both racquet sports. They are very similar in rules, playing techniques, and court size, and both even share professional athletes. Jack Sock, Maria Sharapova, and John McEnroe (aged 64 by the way) are all prominent professional pickleball players, formerly professional tennis players. It seems as though pickleball is just another way to say “tennis retirement homes.” That was the initial thought, anyway.
“Pickleball is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that helps get your heart rate up. It can lead to better cholesterol and blood pressure levels, lowering your risk of heart disease,” Courtney Lewis, writer for Renown health website, said.
People love pickleball due to its welcoming nature. It has a slow rally that generally improves cardiovascular fitness. With this steady back-and-forth pace, people typically have an easier time conversing with each other, bringing a light and social environment that quite frankly tennis lacks, as there is often a greater emphasis on competition in tennis. It is also easier to pick up a paddle and hit a whiffle ball. Pickleball is an inclusive sport that old and young, fit and rough can enjoy casually. Tennis is a great workout for the legs, core, arms, and overall health. Tennis is an investment, equipment costs hundreds of dollars, plus lessons, or even finding a court to play on, far from pickleball, which boosts low equipment costs and still offers a workout. Even our tennis players had fun (after a brief adjustment to the paddles and balls).

“Pickleball is an inclusive sport that focuses on strategy and team building and can be enjoyed by people of all ages, making it perfect for elementary schools. Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the country, for good reason: It’s a fast-paced, fun, inclusive game that anyone can play,” Sarah Wysock, a writer Edutopia, said.
But is that all pickleball can offer? A sporty daycare? A little adrenaline rush? A tennis retirement home? While pickleball offers some sort of competitiveness, pickleball lacks the drive to keep the competitive rush that many other sports offer. Those who believe certain “sports” are easy to learn and do not take as much dedication as other athletic events are delusional. Aren’t sports supposed to be fun? Not all athletic competitions have to be as competitive as basketball, especially when it is a sport more targeted towards children.
As mentioned previously pickleball is suited for many schools. It is a friendly, casual game that only brings the utmost joy. What student would not like to play an easy-to-learn sport with their buddies in class? Not everyone is competitive, so having a sport like pickleball in many schools would benefit teens, from both a physical activity standpoint, as well as a means to alleviate boredom.