WeGo Global ready to face new problems this year

Photo by Maggie Haas

Members of WeGo Global march in the Homecoming parade in Sept.

By Erik Romero, Reporter

When launched in 2013, WeGo Global focused on global warming issues but has since expanded to other worldwide projects. such as supporting refugees from Afghanistan, or challenging gender norms. 

This year, WeGo Global is looking to take on new projects.

I am looking forward to informing the school on injustice issues and helping them make an impact. I am excited to do more fundraisers and help raise money for organizations trying to make an impact,” said junior Melanie Ballines.

Club members gather during one of the meetings, generating ideas. (Photo by Maggie Haas)

WeGo Global also seeks to support organizations around the world that are working to provide opportunities and relief in countries that may be war-torn or impoverished. Every chance they get, the club fundraises for them for people in need. For example, when the Ukraine War started earlier in 2022, WeGo Global collected money for a world relief organization to rent out two apartments for Ukrainian refugees. 

They held successful fundraisers that supported the Ukrainian conflict, including a benefit concert in the spring.

WeGo Global also works to stop human trafficking.

Remember, we’ve shifted and changed throughout the nine years we have been here, and we focus on a lot of social justice issues. So, if we see somebody being wronged anywhere, that’s something we try to raise awareness for,” said WeGo Global advisor and Social Studies teacher Maggie Haas.

“Before, we have focused on hunger problems and lack of clean water no shelter,” said Haas.

Heading into the 2022-23 school year, the WeGo Global team started off slowly, selling snacks at Food Fest during Homecoming, and now taffy apples. The last time the organization participated in the latter fundraiser, many students and staff bought the apples, and so the WeGo Global team decided to bring them back this year, selling the apples throughout October.

WeGo Global members sell food after the Homecoming pep assembly. (Photo by Maggie Haas)

The group is also focusing on gun violence, a topic they have not broached before. The club has been posting to Instagram, attempting to raise awareness.

“Even though it is mid semester, new members can still join. Plenty of our members are involved in at least one season of a sport and just come to WEGO Global meetings during their off-season; even some of our executive board members can only come to two-thirds a sport season’s worth of meetings. Everyone is welcome, even if it’s not all the time, or if they haven’t come before,” said senior Effie Giannoudakis.

Haas looks forward to students’ ideas taking off, and believes there are a number of possibilities that could make for a good fundraiser for WeGo Global.

“If kids have a crazy idea, we try to make that crazy idea work,” said Haas.