Dan McCarthy
Photo by Brenna Barrett
Dan McCarthy- Business Education Teacher
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: “I’ve been teaching for 40 years. I started in 1976 at Joliet Catholic High School. I was there for 14 years and then I went to Marquette High School in Ottawa for six and I came to West Chicago in ’96 so I’ve been here 20 years also.”
Q: How has being a teacher impacted your life?
A: “It’s been a tremendous career. Not only do you get to develop a number of relationships with former students over the years, especially when graduates come back and thank you for what you have given them, that has special meaning. It’s been tremendous, a lot of people say that well, boy you’re old, you’re in your 60s now, how do you do it everyday? But I really believe when you’re around 17 and 18 year old kids everyday of your life, you can’t help but to remain young. It’s been fun. I didn’t start out as a teacher originally, I got into a retail management program. I had a business administration degree from Lewis College and I thought I wanted to get into retail management then I found out that working nights and weekends wasn’t what I wanted to do. I wanted more of an 8 to 5 job. So I began teaching. Obviously with teaching comes coaching responsibilities. Needless to say, I’m working nights and weekends coaching, but I truly enjoy it.”
Q: What will you miss most?
A: “I’m going to miss the people that I work with. The business education department is great. I’m going to miss the students that I coach on a daily basis. You always think, as a coach, that you’re like the father figure. Coaching involves more than just wins and losses. I think it’s about developing relationships and trust, working together to achieve a common goal. That part of it I’m going to miss. I’m going to miss baseball, it’s been a big part of my career.”
Q: What plans do you have for retirement?
A: “A number of things around the house that have been put off over the years with the coaching responsibilities that I have, lots of painting. I love to work around the house, I just don’t have enough time to do it. I’d like to do landscaping work and have our lawn look nice. A lot of the time will be spent with my five grandkids. I’m currently coaching my oldest grandson’s travel team, the Downer’s Grove Fury. So that will be fun and keep me around them. I’m not doing anything special or moving to warmer climates, just enjoying my family.”
Q: Is there anything you want to say to your students before you leave?
A: “The big thing that I would recommend to every student is be responsible, give it your best shot, don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t do something, regardless of what you have done so far in your life. You’re still young enough to make a change. I think a lot of times students who weren’t tremendous high school students realize they made some mistakes in high school and they turn out to be really good college students. That’s the big thing, don’t ever think that you can’t do what you want to do. If you put your mind to it, it can get done. Try to pursue a career that you can enjoy. It’s not about how much money you’re going to make, if you truly can’t enjoy getting out of bed and do what you’re doing, then don’t do it. The money is not worth it. Try and find something you have a passion for, and pursue it. Then you’ll live a fruitful life.”