Founded by billionaire philanthropist Carl DeSantis back in April of 2004, Celsius, a popular beverage company, has taken the Western market by storm by advertising their product as the “magic bullet” of energy drinks, providing a “healthier” alternative to traditional energy drinks by including no artificial products.
In today’s day and age, it has become apparent that there is an increasing number of health-conscious people worldwide. Celsius is a drink that resonates well with this growth, as the brand markets itself as a healthier alternative to traditional energy drinks by being free of artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, and sweeteners. The carbonated beverage claims several health benefits such as boosting one’s metabolism, promoting weight loss, and containing essential energy one’s body needs.
Although there is no actual proof of these claims being factual, and several sources have attempted to debunk the claims, doing so has made little-to-no-difference in deterring people, particularly teens – and students at West Chicago Community High School – from enjoying the beverage.
The drink has also been well received by the fitness community, averaging a reported annual revenue of $653.60 million in sales as of 2022, effectively turning the small business into a 12.35 billion-dollar company.
“You also must know your customer,” CEO, John Fieldly said in an interview earlier this past year with the Investor’s Business Daily.
After outsourcing distribution to PepsiCo in 2022, Celsius experienced mainstream success. The athletic beverage has seen rising in popularity as local businesses and supermarkets stock their shelves with the trendy product.
Although stock percentages and yearly annual income rates have skyrocketed over the past decade, some individuals report mixed reviews regarding taste and effectiveness of what is being advertised by the company. Some claim that the beverage has greatly improved and benefited their life.
“I’ve had it quite a bit, and it certainly gives you what it should. It’s supposed to be cleaner than all the other ones,” sophomore Andrew Ruszczak said.
Other consumers argue that the information provided on the can is a marketing scandal, and a waste of money.

“I don’t like it, it tastes like the metallic part of the can. There’s no flavor to it, and it’s overrated,” sophomore Mattew Gomez said.
Taste and health benefits aside, the drink may pose potential risk for the consumer. The average recommended dose of caffeine per day for teenagers is no more than 100 milligrams for, and Celsius contains 200 milligrams per 12 oz. can: many students report drinking 1-2 of these beverages a day, and exceeding their daily caffeine intake can lead to health problems further in life.
Yet, the beverage’s popularity with Gen Z is notable, and perhaps due to Celsius’ large array of fun-sounding and tasting flavors such as Fantasy Vibe, Oasis Vibe, or Sparkling Watermelon, all names and tastes a younger audience gravitates toward.
For most adolescents, social media tends to strongly influence pathways that can create negative effects to one’s well-being. Celsius, being a trending beverage, and one that is heavily represented on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter) is a prime example of something that can damage its impressionable young audience.
Another key detail that is not talked about Celsius is the expensive price of the product itself. Celsius on average costs $2.50 per can, and $24 when purchased in bulk. If one were to consume such a product on a daily basis, it would equal out to about $700 yearly, with bulk pricing. The average Illinois teen earns just $15.83 an hour. Needless to say, Celsius is not likely to provide financial stability for its young consumers, nor is it likely to provide those perceived health benefits when abused by an uneducated Gen Z audience.
“For most healthy individuals (healthy adults, not kids), Celsius is likely okay in moderation,” Registered Dietitian Jamie Neven said in an article earlier this past year.
Andrew c Coxwell • Feb 16, 2024 at 11:47 pm
Made me feel like I was on drugs I threw up
Animal • Feb 16, 2024 at 3:40 pm
Does it not say that it is not for anyone under 18, caffeine sensitive individuals and women pregnant or nursing!?!
And yes, let adults think for themselves.
Stef • Feb 16, 2024 at 12:21 pm
How about let people like what they like and stop trying to ruin everything just because it’s not your thing? If you don’t want to drink it, don’t. No one is forcing it on you.
Nick • Feb 16, 2024 at 9:35 am
Admittedly, I used to drink Celsius pretty frequently. Now, I’m not saying this is related, but here’s my story. After a while of drinking them my stomach would feel nauseous very frequently. That would often be accompanied by a “lump in the throat” feeling. It made it hard to eat, difficult to sleep and honestly some paranoia. One day I figured, I’m going to try and stop drinking these. Almost immediately I started feeling better until I was eventually back to normal. Everything in moderation of course. But, I can’t imagine what it’s doing to the bodies of people drinking two of these a day.
Scott • Feb 16, 2024 at 9:28 am
Zero energy drinks brand are healthy for you. However their is a plant based energy drink that taste significantly better than celcius. Reign Storm. Its an FDA regulated plant based energy drink.
Ken • Feb 16, 2024 at 6:54 am
You and that other person who sued Celsius and won( they only got more popular because of it, thank you, by the way) is because they are the biggest and most popular, and stores can’t keep them on the shelves. So just cut the crap. Let capitalism work.
Mr. Aiello • Feb 9, 2024 at 10:42 am
Thought provoking article. I would be interested to find out how Celsius compares to a cup of coffee. I am not a fan of Celsius, but drink plenty of coffee.
Mrs. Gierzynski (sub) • Feb 9, 2024 at 10:09 am
Well-written article discussing the pros and cons of a trendy product consumed by many students. Good job!