Fernando Arroyo Garcia
Senior Morelia Mendoza delivered a fan-favorite Ignite! speech on "Leaves", complete with survey data.
For the purpose of igniting one another, Enriched World Literature students presented timed speeches – their final exams – on April 17.
Ignite! is a brand, similar to that of a TED Talk. In an Ignite! speech, individuals share a passion, or try to ignite one in others. However, they must “make it quick,” as their 20 PowerPoint slides auto-rotate every 15 seconds. The students spend weeks preparing for this assessment, which is considered their final exam.
“As a class, we have been working on them [the speeches] for about three weeks. The speeches are about people’s passions and interests. The speeches are meant to ignite people about whatever topic they are speaking on. Its been a pretty good experience so far, I have been enjoying hearing people’s speeches and passion,” senior Morelia Mendoza said.
Two English classrooms and the study hall were reserved for the day to complete all of the speeches. Students were divided into four classrooms, each containing approximately 27 students from a variety of classes.
“This is our third year of Ignite! speeches, and I honestly believe these were some of the best to date. It was clear that many of the students practiced their speeches, and they have come such a long way as speakers and entertainers,” Enriched World Literature teacher Leslie Fireman said.
All students received a block of five minutes to deliver their speech in front of their peers. Topics ranged from “Metabolic Leg Day” to “What it is Like Being the Oldest” to “My High School Regrets.”
“My personal favorite was ‘Why Mrs. Fireman Should Cut Back on Tea.’ Not only do I think it was bold of Leo [Barrientos] to take my tea-drinking head on, but his speech was full of facts that I genuinely did not know. I may have to think twice when I reach for the kettle next time,” Fireman said.
Having a day dedicated to public speaking benefited students as they are preparing to graduate. It was an opportunity for students to share their knowledge on a topic that they are passionate about.
“My speech topic was the importance of not using social media too much, to avoid getting addicted. I think it went great because I practiced a lot and I also feel like Begovich did a great job preparing us for it. The Ignite! speeches are important because it’s our final opportunity to show what we have learned in English,” senior Andrew Langellier said.
Enriched World Literature is a senior level, year-long class in which students explore different novels from around the globe, and bring literature to life. Part of the curriculum is public speaking-based; each student leads quote discussions among their classmates, or delivers a “PPT Night” speech, prior to the final assessment.